Audio Pro Recording Studio
Located by the sea - French Riviera

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Studio d'enregistrement Nice, studio d'enregistrement 06

régie Studio SunMusic, studio d'enregistrement 06, studio d'enregistrement nice, studio d'enregistrement PACA, studio de mastering 06, studio de mastering Nice, studio de mastering PACA, recording studio nice, recording studio french riviera, mastering studio nice, mastering studio french riviera
Skills and friendliness
Sun Music is more than a recording studio. It's a magical place, a haven of peace that borders the sea, where one can find an artistic creation-friendly climat.
It is also a man, Luc Evrard, who, since his first 4-tracks tape demo in the 80's, takes an evident pleasure to share his talent and his human qualities with the artists who come to work here.
Daylight studio, charismatic and musician himself art director, high-tech gear, backyard, BBQ, beach, flat upstairs; Sun Music obviously offers you the best working and relaxing conditions.
Studio features: 1 main room (25 m2) - 1 recording stage (30m2) - 1 amplifiers room (2 m2)
1 lounge (30 m2) - 1 garden (50m2) - Beach at 35m - Air conditionned - Free wi-fi - BBQ
You can also rent the studio, without sound-engineer and do it by yourself.
We have cheap rates for that kind of service.
Don't hesitate. Contact us. English spoken (We really do)